ejemplos ACID


MongoDB 4.0 with multi-document ACID transactions

Multi-document ACID transactions in MongoDB are very similar to what you probably already know from traditional relational databases.

MongoDB’s transactions are a conversational set of related operations that must atomically commit or fully rollback with all-or-nothing execution.

Transactions are used to make sure operations are atomic even across multiple collections or databases. Thus, with snapshot isolation reads, another user can only see all the operations or none of them.

Let’s now add a shopping cart to our example.

For this example, 2 collections are required because we are dealing with 2 different business entities: the stock management and the shopping cart each client can create during shopping. The lifecycle of each document in these collections is different.

A document in the product collection represents an item I’m selling. This contains the current price of the product and the current stock. I created a POJO to represent it : Product.java.

{ "_id" : "beer", "price" : NumberDecimal("3"), "stock" : NumberInt(5) }

A shopping cart is created when a client adds its first item in the cart and is removed when the client proceeds to checkout or leaves the website. I created a POJO to represent it : Cart.java.

    "_id" : "Alice",
    "items" : [
            "price" : NumberDecimal("3"),
            "productId" : "beer",
            "quantity" : NumberInt(2)

The challenge here resides in the fact that I cannot sell more than I possess: if I have 5 beers to sell, I cannot have more than 5 beers distributed across the different client carts.

To ensure that, I have to make sure that the operation creating or updating the client cart is atomic with the stock update. That’s where the multi-document transaction comes into play. The transaction must fail in the case someone tries to buy something I do not have in my stock. I will add a constraint on the product stock:

db.createCollection("product", {
    validator: {
        $jsonSchema: {
            bsonType: "object",
            required: [ "_id", "price", "stock" ],
            properties: {
            _id: {
                bsonType: "string",
                description: "must be a string and is required"
            price: {
                bsonType: "decimal",
                minimum: 0,
                description: "must be a positive decimal and is required"
            stock: {
                bsonType: "int",
                minimum: 0,
                description: "must be a positive integer and is required"

Node that this is already included in the Java code.

To monitor our example, we are going to use MongoDB Change Streams that were introduced in MongoDB 3.6.

In each of the threads of this process called ChangeStreams.java, I am going to monitor one of the 2 collections and print each operation with its associated cluster time.

// package and imports

public class ChangeStreams {

    private static final Bson filterUpdate = Filters.eq("operationType", "update");
    private static final Bson filterInsertUpdate = Filters.in("operationType", "insert", "update");
    private static final String jsonSchema = "{ $jsonSchema: { bsonType: \"object\", required: [ \"_id\", \"price\", \"stock\" ], properties: { _id: { bsonType: \"string\", description: \"must be a string and is required\" }, price: { bsonType: \"decimal\", minimum: 0, description: \"must be a positive decimal and is required\" }, stock: { bsonType: \"int\", minimum: 0, description: \"must be a positive integer and is required\" } } } } ";

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        MongoDatabase db = initMongoDB(args[0]);
        MongoCollection<Cart> cartCollection = db.getCollection("cart", Cart.class);
        MongoCollection<Product> productCollection = db.getCollection("product", Product.class);
        ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(2);
        executor.submit(() -> watchChangeStream(productCollection, filterUpdate));
        executor.submit(() -> watchChangeStream(cartCollection, filterInsertUpdate));
        ScheduledExecutorService scheduled = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor();
        scheduled.scheduleWithFixedDelay(System.out::println, 0, 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

    private static void watchChangeStream(MongoCollection<?> collection, Bson filter) {
        System.out.println("Watching " + collection.getNamespace());
        List<Bson> pipeline = Collections.singletonList(Aggregates.match(filter));
                    .forEach((Consumer<ChangeStreamDocument<?>>) doc -> System.out.println(
                            doc.getClusterTime() + " => " + doc.getFullDocument()));

    private static MongoDatabase initMongoDB(String mongodbURI) {
        CodecRegistry providers = fromProviders(PojoCodecProvider.builder().register("com.mongodb.models").build());
        CodecRegistry codecRegistry = fromRegistries(MongoClient.getDefaultCodecRegistry(), providers);
        MongoClientOptions.Builder options = new MongoClientOptions.Builder().codecRegistry(codecRegistry);
        MongoClientURI uri = new MongoClientURI(mongodbURI, options);
        MongoClient client = new MongoClient(uri);
        MongoDatabase db = client.getDatabase("test");
        db.createCollection("product", productJsonSchemaValidator());
        return db;

    private static CreateCollectionOptions productJsonSchemaValidator() {
        return new CreateCollectionOptions().validationOptions(
                new ValidationOptions().validationAction(ValidationAction.ERROR).validator(BsonDocument.parse(jsonSchema)));

In this example we have 5 beers to sell. Alice wants to buy 2 beers but we are not going to use the new MongoDB 4.0 multi-document transactions for this. We will observe in the change streams two operations : one creating the cart and one updating the stock at 2 different cluster times.

Then Alice adds 2 more beers in her cart and we are going to use a transaction this time. The result in the change stream will be 2 operations happening at the same cluster time.

Finally, she will try to order 2 extra beers but the jsonSchema validator will fail the product update and result in a rollback. We will not see anything in the change stream. Here is the Transaction.java source code:

// package and import

public class Transactions {

    private static MongoClient client;
    private static MongoCollection<Cart> cartCollection;
    private static MongoCollection<Product> productCollection;

    private final BigDecimal BEER_PRICE = BigDecimal.valueOf(3);
    private final String BEER_ID = "beer";

    private final Bson stockUpdate = inc("stock", -2);
    private final Bson filterId = eq("_id", BEER_ID);
    private final Bson filterAlice = eq("_id", "Alice");
    private final Bson matchBeer = elemMatch("items", eq("productId", "beer"));
    private final Bson incrementBeers = inc("items.$.quantity", 2);

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        new Transactions().demo();

    private static void initMongoDB(String mongodbURI) {
        CodecRegistry codecRegistry = fromRegistries(MongoClient.getDefaultCodecRegistry(), fromProviders(
        MongoClientOptions.Builder options = new MongoClientOptions.Builder().codecRegistry(codecRegistry);
        MongoClientURI uri = new MongoClientURI(mongodbURI, options);
        client = new MongoClient(uri);
        MongoDatabase db = client.getDatabase("test");
        cartCollection = db.getCollection("cart", Cart.class);
        productCollection = db.getCollection("product", Product.class);

    private void demo() {
        System.out.println("#########  NO  TRANSACTION #########");
        System.out.println("Alice wants 2 beers.");
        System.out.println("We have to create a cart in the 'cart' collection and update the stock in the 'product' collection.");
        System.out.println("The 2 actions are correlated but can not be executed on the same cluster time.");
        System.out.println("Any error blocking one operation could result in stock error or beer sale we don't own.");
        System.out.println("\n######### WITH TRANSACTION #########");
        System.out.println("Alice wants 2 extra beers.");
        System.out.println("Now we can update the 2 collections simultaneously.");
        System.out.println("The 2 operations only happen when the transaction is committed.");
        System.out.println("\n######### WITH TRANSACTION #########");
        System.out.println("Alice wants 2 extra beers.");
        System.out.println("This time we do not have enough beers in stock so the transaction will rollback.");

    private void aliceWantsTwoExtraBeersInTransactionThenCommitOrRollback() {
        ClientSession session = client.startSession();
        try {
        } catch (MongoCommandException e) {
            System.out.println("####### ROLLBACK TRANSACTION #######");
        } finally {

    private void removingBeersFromStock() {
        System.out.println("Trying to update beer stock : -2 beers.");
        try {
            productCollection.updateOne(filterId, stockUpdate);
        } catch (MongoCommandException e) {
            System.out.println("#####   MongoCommandException  #####");
            System.out.println("##### STOCK CANNOT BE NEGATIVE #####");
            throw e;

    private void removingBeerFromStock(ClientSession session) {
        System.out.println("Trying to update beer stock : -2 beers.");
        try {
            productCollection.updateOne(session, filterId, stockUpdate);
        } catch (MongoCommandException e) {
            System.out.println("#####   MongoCommandException  #####");
            System.out.println("##### STOCK CANNOT BE NEGATIVE #####");
            throw e;

    private void aliceWantsTwoBeers() {
        System.out.println("Alice adds 2 beers in her cart.");
        cartCollection.insertOne(new Cart("Alice", Collections.singletonList(new Cart.Item(BEER_ID, 2, BEER_PRICE))));

    private void aliceWantsTwoExtraBeers(ClientSession session) {
        System.out.println("Updating Alice cart : adding 2 beers.");
        cartCollection.updateOne(session, and(filterAlice, matchBeer), incrementBeers);

    private void insertProductBeer() {
        productCollection.insertOne(new Product(BEER_ID, 5, BEER_PRICE));

    private void clearCollections() {
        productCollection.deleteMany(new BsonDocument());
        cartCollection.deleteMany(new BsonDocument());

    private void printDatabaseState() {
        System.out.println("Database state:");
        printProducts(productCollection.find().into(new ArrayList<>()));
        printCarts(cartCollection.find().into(new ArrayList<>()));

    private void printProducts(List<Product> products) {

    private void printCarts(List<Cart> carts) {
        if (carts.isEmpty())
            System.out.println("No carts...");

    private void sleep() {
        System.out.println("Sleeping 3 seconds...");
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {

Here is the console of the Change Stream :

$ ./change-streams.sh

Watching test.cart

Watching test.product

Timestamp{value=6570052721557110786, seconds=1529709604, inc=2} => Cart{id='Alice', items=[Item{productId=beer, quantity=2, price=3}]}

Timestamp{value=6570052734442012673, seconds=1529709607, inc=1} => Product{id='beer', stock=3, price=3}

Timestamp{value=6570052764506783745, seconds=1529709614, inc=1} => Product{id='beer', stock=1, price=3}

Timestamp{value=6570052764506783745, seconds=1529709614, inc=1} => Cart{id='Alice', items=[Item{productId=beer, quantity=4, price=3}]}

As you can see here, we only get four operations because the two last operations were never committed to the database, and therefore the change stream has nothing to show.

You can also note that the two first cluster times are different because we did not use a transaction for the two first operations, and the two last operations share the same cluster time because we used the new MongoDB 4.0 multi-document transaction system, and thus they are atomic.

Here is the console of the Transaction java process that sum up everything I said earlier.

$ ./transactions.sh

Database state:

Product{id='beer', stock=5, price=3}

No carts...

######### NO TRANSACTION #########

Alice wants 2 beers.

We have to create a cart in the 'cart' collection and update the stock in the 'product' collection.

The 2 actions are correlated but can not be executed on the same cluster time.

Any error blocking one operation could result in stock error or a sale of beer that we can’t fulfill as we have no stock.

Alice adds 2 beers in her cart.

Sleeping 3 seconds...

Trying to update beer stock : -2 beers.


Database state:

Product{id='beer', stock=3, price=3}

Cart{id='Alice', items=[Item{productId=beer, quantity=2, price=3}]}

Sleeping 3 seconds...

######### WITH TRANSACTION #########

Alice wants 2 extra beers.

Now we can update the 2 collections simultaneously.

The 2 operations only happen when the transaction is committed.

Updating Alice cart : adding 2 beers.

Sleeping 3 seconds...

Trying to update beer stock : -2 beers.


Database state:

Product{id='beer', stock=1, price=3}

Cart{id='Alice', items=[Item{productId=beer, quantity=4, price=3}]}

Sleeping 3 seconds...

######### WITH TRANSACTION #########

Alice wants 2 extra beers.

This time we do not have enough beers in stock so the transaction will rollback.

Updating Alice cart : adding 2 beers.

Sleeping 3 seconds...

Trying to update beer stock : -2 beers.

##### MongoCommandException #####




Database state:

Product{id='beer', stock=1, price=3}

Cart{id='Alice', items=[Item{productId=beer, quantity=4, price=3}]}

Last updated